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EU Transparency Regulation

Transparency and sustainability are at the centre of TauRes' activities. 
With the EU Transparency Regulation, we are regulating the handling of potential sustainability risks (ESG risks) in a binding manner. We welcome this development and provide information in line with the regulation in advisory meetings and on this page.

What are sustainability risks?

Sustainability risks (ESG risks) are defined as events or conditions from the three areas of environment, social affairs and governance whoseoccurrence of such risks could have a negative impact on the value of the investment. These risks can affect individual companies as well as entire sectors or regions.

What sustainability risks exists, for example?

Information on the inclusion of sustainability risks in advisory activities (Art. 3 TVO)

In order to take sustainability risks into account when providing advice, the information provided is taken into account when selecting providers (financial market participants) and their financial products.
The respective provider provides information on the consideration of sustainability risks when making investment decisions in its pre-contractual information.
As part of the consulting, it is possible to request an ESG-conscious fund recommendation. Our consultants are happy to offer this option at the client's request.
In order to assess sustainability risks in fund investments, we use additional information from service providers, associations and organisations that specialise in assessing these risks.



Information on the remuneration policy when taking sustainability risks into account (Art. 5 TVO)

The remuneration for the brokerage of financial products is not influenced by the respective sustainability risks.